The Hon. Jerry "The Iceman" Butler Day
December 8, 2020
Chief Public Service Extra-Ordinaire & Captain of Industry Lifetime Achievement

Saturday, December 5, 2020
In Celebration of the Legacy of Jerry Butler on
His 81st Birthday -- Proclamation "Jerry Butler Day"
Call In During The Session | He Will Be Listening
(954) 792-1170 | We Are Sending Greetings
Along With Celebrities . . . Share Your Memories of The Legend!
Leonie the Lioness On The Internet Radio
"The Iceman Cometh" to
Sunday, December 6, 2020 @
1:00pm until 5:00pm
678-701-3378 | 954-588-1250
Call In Show Him Some Love As He Celebrates His 81st
Birthday on Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Many Celebrity Guests and Your Call
Will Highlight the Moment!

Raise A Glass of Wine or Two With The
"Ron W Sunday Serenade" Crew
To The Hon. Jerry "The Iceman" Butler
Sunday, December 6, 2020 @ 6:00pm to 9:00pm
theNIMLA.COM | 6:00pm to 9:00pm
For his 81st Birthday, join in the reminiscent, tranquil memories, and mesmerizing moments of the Legend -- Jerry "The Iceman" Butler Celebrating Jerry Butler's Day - December 8, 2020 in our time!
In Admiration and Love - The incomparable Jerry Butler and The Impressions Songs All Night
Enter Our Chat Room and Share Your Memories, Blow Out A Candle and Send Birthday Wishes!
Big Max on The Love Zone Music Radio
Highlighting The Jerry Butler Tribute
Tune in to TheLoveZoneMusic.comon
Monday from 9PM to 12am
for the "After Dark" Show, hosted by Big Max. We will be sending birthday greetings and best wishes to the "Ice Man" Jerry Butler, celebrating his 81st birthday (December 8, 2020). His special tribute will start 10PM, featuring some of his many popular soul stirring hits. He will probably be listening, so join in the chat, register, and send your best wishes!

Calling All Vinyl Record Collectors
To Dedicate A Turn Table Selection On Legendary
Jerry Butler's Day
Rupert's Boonoonoonoos Caribbean Restaurant
Lauderhill, Florida
Will Host A Special Evening Proclamation Reading From
Mayor Ken Thurston of Lauderhill
Jerry Butler's Day Dedicated On His Birthday
Tuesday, December 8, 2020 | From 6:00pm until 9:00pm
Featuring His Hit Parade | To Be Recorded
-- Bring Your Favorite Jerry Butler Vinyl --